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As a nation with a centuries-old wine culture, we have experienced the many faces of the grape manifested in different wines. However, those who do not drink alcohol for one reason or another are often left out (or at least marginalised) of grape harvest and wine drinking habits. Heiszler Etyek offers them an alternative based on respect for the wine grapes. 

Heiszler Etyek celebrates those who do not consume alcohol and those who appreciate non-alcoholic gastronomic values by offering a new way of using grapes: unfiltered grape juice, which preserves all the uniqueness and originality of the wine grape variety. Depending on the season, true gourmets can enjoy it in the form of grape spritzer, radler or mulled grape juice.

Heiszler Etyek szőlő Etyeken



Heiszler Ákos Etyeken a pincében


"As a traditional local grape producer of Hungary, I believe that the grapes produced on Öreghegy, Etyek are unique and unrepeatable in all their forms, and its characteristics can be appreciated without the consumption of alcohol. I trust that my products will encourage the growth and development of a non-alcoholic beverage culture in Hungary, giving current or regular non-alcoholic consumers the opportunity to celebrate their drinks as if they were alcohol consumers" - Ákos Heiszler. 

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